Chefmax Visits a Kosher Restaurant Client in Thailand

On May 29th, Chefmax visited a kosher restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, and met with the owner of the restaurant to discuss cooperation with the client.
First, the client gave us a tour of the entire restaurant, including the dining area and the kitchen. The restaurant is certified by the Kosher Food Regulatory Authority, which means that kosher customers can come and enjoy meals that are kosher and in compliance with food regulations.
Such certification is strict and rare in Thailand, and as a result this restaurant is trusted and loved by many kosher customers.

Customers tell us that they are quite strict and fully compliant with the handling and cooking of ingredients due to regulations.
To ensure cleanliness and separation of food, special cooking equipment such as separate stoves, ovens, fryers, etc. are usually used in the kitchen. The areas for flour-based baking and cooking meat are also completely separated. This equipment is strictly kosher to ensure that there is no confusion or cross contamination of ingredients.

The visit and exchange was relaxed and enjoyable, and Chefmax is confident that our equipment can play a key role in this restaurant kitchen, helping to improve efficiency and dish quality in the commercial kitchen.