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Küchenlösungen aus einer Hand

Chefmax unterstützt Halal-Restaurant-Küchenbau in Indonesien

Post on 04/08/2023

On July 29th, the Chefmax team visited a client who operates a Muslim Chinese restaurant in Indonesia. Previously, we supplied a number of Chinese equipment for the restaurant’s kitchen and were involved in the design and construction of the kitchen project.

This is a restaurant for Muslims, which has gained the trust of all Muslims in the neighborhood thanks to the “Halal” logo on the signboard and the excellent taste of the dishes.

Halal Chinese Restaurant
Chefamx with Chinese restaurant clients

“Halal” is an Arabic word that means lawful and permissible in Islam. In the context of food, “Halal” means food that conforms to the teachings of Islam, i.e., it is prepared without the use of prohibited ingredients or methods, and in accordance with the Islamic way of handling and preparing food.

For example, Muslims may only consume meat from slaughtered animals and it may not contain pork or its derivatives. In addition to meat, other foods and beverages are also subject to certain guidelines, such as not containing alcohol or ingredients of animal origin that are obviously unclean.

The owner of the restaurant warmly received the Chefmax team and had lunch with us. The dishes were standard Chinese food, except that Halal rules were strictly adhered to in their preparation and cooking.

Chefamx Lunch with Clients
Muslim Chinese Restaurant Food

Chefmax supplied the restaurant with one-stop equipment for Chinese food such as Chinese wok ovens, steam cabinets, soup stoves, hoods, refrigerators, etc., and assisted in the installation and acceptance of the equipment. due to our stringent quality requirements for the equipment that left the factory. These equipments have not experienced any failure so far.

Chefmax is proud to have been involved in the construction of this Chinese restaurant kitchen and to have made it work efficiently, we are committed to all types of commercial kitchen solutions and specialize in every aspect of kitchen projects. If you have a question or need advice, Wenden Sie sich an Chefmax for a free consultation and professional design solution.

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