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레스토랑 요리 장비

레인지는 가스에서 전기에 이르기까지 모든 주방의 기초입니다. 여기에서 다양한 스토브 탑과 베이스가 있는 상업용 레인지를 찾을 수 있습니다.

플랫 탑 그릴, 숯불구이 그릴, 파니니 그릴, 테판야키, 주방에서 고기와 야채 요리의 품질을 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 다양한 상업용 그릴.

전기 또는 가스, 완전 자동 또는 반자동, 다양한 유형 중에서 선택하여 비용을 줄이고 튀긴 음식의 생산량을 늘릴 수 있습니다.

케이크와 피자에서 고기에 이르기까지 다양한 유형의 상업용 오븐은 다양한 기능을 사용하여 모든 베이킹 요구 사항을 충족하고 판매를 늘립니다.

가장 안전한 인덕션 방식으로 열을 제공하는 인덕션 쿠커는 주방에 편리함과 안전한 요리 경험을 선사합니다.

파스타, 국수, 야채와 고기 등 조리대나 세로형 상업용 파스타 쿠커를 선택하여 맛을 더할 수 있습니다.

수분을 잃지 않고 빠르게 익히는 데 필요한 열을 음식에 제공하는 상업용 찜기의 고른 증기로 음식을 더 건강하게 요리하세요.

할인 제품

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인기 제품

데이터가 없습니다

The Right Cooking Equipment is the Key to More Efficient Restaurant Operations

Cooking equipment is the heart of a commercial kitchen and also essential to the success of any restaurant business. Whether you’re ready to start a new business or update your commercial kitchen, you can find the right cooking equipment and snack equipment at Chefmax and use them to improve the efficiency and quality of your cooking and give your food a better taste.

From Chinese restaurants, Western restaurants, fast food restaurants and bakeries to food trucks and snack stands, each cooking scenario requires different equipment that needs to be selected in terms of specifications, energy type and functionality. This is a careful and cumbersome process and Chefmax can help you find the most suitable packages.

상업 범위 offer the widest range of cooking styles, usually gas types in Chinese restaurants, which means they can provide open flames and great heat to help chefs stir-fry ingredients at high temperatures. In addition, commercial ranges are also capable of cooking such as sautéing and braising, as well as frying fillings and sauces for bakeries. Induction style ranges are popular for minimal heat loss and fast response, and it does not raise kitchen temperatures.

Regarding fryers, you can find tabletop fryers for tight spaces and small orders, floor standing fryers for higher output, and pressure fryers for frying a whole chicken in a short time. They all offer temperature control and safety protection, a memory menu feature helps increase frying efficiency, and you don’t need to repeatedly adjust time and temperature manually.

We also offer baking ovens that specialize in bread, cakes, and cookies, combination ovens for roasting meats and vegetables, and pizza ovens that give pizza its special flavor. If you have a restaurant with many baking categories, we recommend split ovens that cook different foods at the same time and their smells do not interfere with each other. Choose from a variety of sizes and materials, from 2-dish countertop ovens to 32-dish roll-in ovens.

Countertop or upright 상업용 철판 bring you the perfect searing of bacon, chops, vegetables and seafood, and grills give meats beautiful charred brown streaks. If you need to cook food at the front of the restaurant, teppanyaki is the best choice, with built-in ventilation ducts in various arrangements to keep the dining environment fresh.

In addition, commercial steamers, pasta cookers, and snack equipment of all kinds can be trusted for quality, and no matter what type of catering business you run, Chefmax has a complete set of equipment to keep the kitchen running.

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