
Is it possible to dry-aged meat in a regular refrigerator? Chefmax will explain the difference between a dry age fridge and a regular refrigerator in terms of temperature, humidity, air circulation, etc.
ドライエイジング冷蔵庫 FAQ

Chefmax has compiled the most frequently asked questions from our dry aging refrigeratorscustomers, hoping to quickly answer your doubts. any help, just call us!


There is a lot of information about chain restaurant here, so if you want to start your own restaurant chain or learn more, don’t miss this one.


Restaurant and coffee shop owners have identified business opportunities in bingsu and are trying to grow restaurant sales by acquiring a bingsu machine to start a bingsu business.

If you’re a dessert lover, you might have heard about Bingsu, a popular shaved ice dessert that originated in Korea. But what exactly is Bingsu, and what makes it so special? In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about Bingsu.
Using a Commercial Blast Chiller in Your Restaurant Kitchen

Is there a safer, more sanitary and faster way to cool food than using a refrigerator or freezer? The answer is to use an blast chiller. This article will share everything that is necessary to use an blast chiller in a commercial setting.

プロパンレンジと天然ガスレンジのどちらを選択するかを検討していますか? Chefmax は、この記事でプロパンと天然ガスについて詳しく説明し、理解と選択を支援します。

市販の食器は、レストランの繁忙期であっても、常に食器を清潔に保ちます。Chefmax は、それらの 7 つのメリットについて詳しく説明します。