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Setengah Kulkas Setengah Freezer CM-LF150C4D2 Restoran Freezer Tegak 950W

Setengah freezer setengah lemari es ini memiliki kapasitas besar dan kinerja yang kuat, sangat meningkatkan kualitas pengawetan makanan di restoran.

Penyimpanan makanan yang tepat sangat penting, jadi pastikan dapur Anda dilengkapi dengan a setengah kulkas setengah freezer that is durable, reliable and easy to use! Made of thickened stainless steel, the unit features internal shelves, dual temperature modes for freezing and refrigerating on each side, and an air-cooled automatic defrost.

The internal freezer temperature is maintained between 0 to 5 degrees Celsius and the freezer temperature is maintained between -18 to -20 degrees Celsius, and the dual temperature is capable of storing many types of food. This restoran freezer tegak relies on environmentally friendly refrigerants that are not only effective in refrigeration, but also good for the environment!Proper food storage is imperative, so make sure your kitchen is equipped with a setengah kulkas setengah freezer that is durable, reliable and easy to use! Made of thickened stainless steel, the unit features internal shelves, dual temperature modes for freezing and refrigerating on each side, and an air-cooled automatic defrost.

The internal freezer temperature is maintained between 0 to 5 degrees Celsius and the freezer temperature is maintained between -18 to -20 degrees Celsius, and the dual temperature is capable of storing many types of food. This restoran freezer tegak Andalkan lemari es ramah lingkungan yang tidak hanya efektif dalam pendinginan, tetapi juga baik untuk lingkungan!

Kulkas Jangkauan Setengah Pintu Solid Stainless Steel CM-LF150C4D2
Kulkas komersial 6 pintu
Enam pintu dengan kapasitas penyimpanan yang besar
This half refrigerator half freezer is capable of storing up to 1,500 liters and its six-door design helps reduce energy costs because you only need to open one door at a time. In addition, for maximum storage flexibility, this refrigerator is equipped with multiple stainless steel shelves that are durable enough to hold up to 40 kg.
Panel Freezer Reach-In Pintu Solid Satu Bagian
Mudah dioperasikan
Kombinasi fungsi pencairan otomatis dan kontrol suhu digital memudahkan pengoperasian dalam sekejap. Lampu LED internal otomatis menyala dan mati saat Anda membuka dan menutup pintu. Hal ini membantu meningkatkan visibilitas.
Solid Door Reach-In Desain baja lemari es
Konstruksi baja tahan karat
This restaurant upright freezer is made of stainless steel inside and out, which can resist corrosion from grease and water in the kitchen and prolong the service life, while having a beautiful and easy-to-clean appearance.
Berpendingin udara dan bebas embun beku
dapat dibekukan dan didinginkan, memenuhi sebagian besar kebutuhan pengawetan makanan.Pendinginan berpendingin udara lebih merata, dan tidak akan membeku dan es, menghilangkan kebutuhan pencairan manual, untuk mempertahankan efek pendinginan jangka panjang yang baik.
jangkauan pintu padat di freezer
Jalur Penyegelan Kulkas Pintu Berengsel Kiri
Segel yang dapat dilepas dan dicuci
The rubber seal ensures a tight fit when closed and does not dissipate cold air, it can be easily removed for cleaning to ensure the safety and hygiene of the restaurant upright freezer.
Roda Freezer Reach-In Pintu Padat Terpasang di Atas
Kastor seluler
Satu set kastor memberikan mobilitas yang nyaman bagi unit ini, sehingga memudahkan pembersihan dan servis! Gulung saja jangkauan 2 pintu di lemari es komersial Gulingkan saja jangkauan 2 pintu pada lemari es komersial dari dinding.
Setengah Kulkas Setengah Freezer CM-LF150C4D2 Restoran Freezer Tegak 950W


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Waktu Pimpin

Kuantitas (Potongan) 1-30 >30
Est. Waktu (hari) 1-7days 30 hari


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Kulkas Jangkauan Setengah Pintu Solid Stainless Steel CM-LF150C4D2
Setengah Kulkas Setengah Freezer CM-LF150C4D2 Restoran Freezer Tegak 950W


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