French and Thai Cooking Machine Customers Visited Chefmax Factory

In the Chefmax showroom, we have prepared ingredients for our customers to operate different models of cooking machines to prepare delicious dishes.
Berita Selamat: Website Baru CHEFMAX Diluncurkan

Chefmax berharap dapat menghadirkan pengalaman yang lebih nyaman dan praktis bagi semua pengguna dengan menyediakan berbagai peralatan dapur satu atap yang hemat biaya dan berkualitas tinggi.
French Guiana Cooking Machines Customer Visits Chefmax

Chefmax prepared many different ingredients and condiments, and the cooking machine won the customer’s satisfaction in stir-frying vegetables, noodles and rice.
Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui tentang Chefmax Shipping

Learn about our Southeast Asia shipping policies, average ship times, and how to save on shipping at Chefmax in our blog post!
Saudi Customer Visits Chefmax Gas Equipment Factory

The customer from Saudi Arabia was interested in cooperating with Chefmax on gas equipment, and during the factory tour, the customer was most interested in gas fryers.