توفر الثلاجات والمجمدات التي يمكن الوصول إليها تخزينًا آمنًا وسهولة الوصول إلى اختيارك من الأبواب الزجاجية أو الصلبة.
يمكن وضع طاولات التحضير هذه في المطبخ أو بالقرب من منطقة تناول الطعام ، باستخدام الأسطح المستوية الفسيحة وصواني الأجزاء المبردة لإعداد الطعام للعملاء.
توفر هذه الخزانات ، التي تخزن البيرة والنبيذ والصودا في درجة الحرارة المناسبة ، رؤية مثالية للموظفين للوصول بسرعة إلى المشروبات.
المشروبات الباردة أو الحفاظ على اللحوم طازجة ، لا غنى عن صانع الثلج التجاري الذي يصنع الثلج بسرعة ، وهناك نماذج تناسب كل مساحة ومخرجات.
امنح سلعك عرضًا رائعًا أمام العملاء ، سواء كان مطعمًا أو متجرًا أو سوبر ماركت ، يمكنك العثور على خزانات عرض من جميع الأنواع.
يسمح تبريد الطعام بعمق باستخدام الفريزر السريع بالتخزين على المدى الطويل ، بينما توفر مقصورة التبريد دعمًا ثابتًا للمطابخ التي تحتاج إلى تبريد أو تجميد كميات كبيرة من الطعام.
منتجات الخصم

أهم المنتجات
Commercial Refrigeration Equipments: The Guardian of Food Safety
Food hygiene and safety are top priorities. Proper storage helps maintain the nutrition and freshness of ingredients, as well as inhibit bacterial growth and contamination, thereby reducing the risk of foodborne illness. That’s why a proper commercial refrigerator and freezer is a must-have for every commercial kitchen, whether you run a restaurant, coffee shop, bar, food truck or roadside stand.
The most basic and widely applicable pieces of equipment are commercial refrigerators and freezers, which are capable of storing everything you need to keep food and ingredients fresh.
Refrigerators maintain internal temperatures between 33°F and 40°F, while freezers range from -10°F to 10°F. They both have powerful compressors that keep internal temperatures stable even when doors are opened and closed frequently. Glass doors allow for optimal visibility, and solid doors offer greater thermal protection.
Chefmax offers commercial refrigerators and freezers that are structurally stable and well-designed, with stringent quality certifications and comprehensive warranties. Dual temperature fridges are a good choice if you need both refrigeration and freezing, they have multiple compartments with different temperatures ensured by thick insulation.
Additionally, you can find larger walk-in refrigerators and freezers to store large amounts of food, and we offer full-size and panel customization. Refrigerated transportation vehicles can likewise be selected.
صefrigerated prep tables hold your salads, sandwiches, and pizza ingredients perfectly, offering freshness, quick assembly, and countertop support.Chefmax has several customizations available, including materials, food tray sizes, and cabinets or drawers. If you offer these foods on your menu, a refrigerated prep table can dramatically increase efficiency because employees don’t have to run between tables and coolers.
If you run a bar or cafe, back bar coolers و ice machines can help build the drink menu. Bar coolers are best for displaying and storing beer, juice, and soda. Professional wine cabinets control temperature and humidity and use shock protection to keep your precious red and white wines tasting great. Choose from a wide range of sizes and refrigeration modes, from undercounter ice machines with a capacity of 18 KG per day to industrial-grade ice machines with a capacity of 2,000 KG. They maintain a supply of ice to chill beverages or preserve meat and seafood in buffets.
Sales and display refrigerators are indispensable refrigeration equipment for supermarkets and convenience stores, and they come in a variety of types, including supermarket island cabinets, vertical sales cabinets, cake display cabinets designed for bakeries, and beef aging cabinets. Glass doors are the best feature and they are designed to be the most visible type to attract customer attention and increase sales.
مبردات التفجير by cooling down quickly to preserve flavor and inhibit bacterial growth, Chefmax offers a wide range of blast chillers from 5 trays to 120 trays, which can cool down to -45°C or -80°C in 45 minutes to chill pasta products, fruits, meats, and seafood.
All of Chefmax’s refrigeration equipment comes with stringent quality certificates and comprehensive parts warranties, and you can contact us for a detailed customization checklist to ensure that the equipment is the perfect fit for your commercial kitchen.